How can I get more quota?[faq_quota_0]

Depending on the bwCloud region that is responsible for you, a separate project may be required for the requested quota.

Answer the points below and use that template for your request:

a) Your OpenStack User-UUID.
b) Why you need the quota.
c) The existing target (group-)project UUID.
d) What resource you request.
e) How long you need the resources.
f) Which flavor(s) do you want to use.

VCPU:           INTEGER

Write us a Ticket. We will check your request and, if possible, grant the request.

quota, increase, enlarge, more resources

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Are there any restrictions or specific rules on applying for more quota?[faq_quota_1]

Basically, no. But: In the future we plan to introduce a billing system for the services consumed. For this reason, some user locations have decided to individually regulate the allocation of more resources to their relatives. The following are the allocation guidelines of the user locations that have been effective so far.

quota, increase, user location, service charging, local policy

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University of Stuttgart[faq_quota_1_stuttgart]

By arrangement with the responsible persons at the University of Stuttgart, members of the University of Stuttgart should note the following when applying for a group project:

  1. Students of the Universität Stuttgart can apply not independently for a group project or more quota This is due to the planned activity allocation: Since we want to account for the consumption of resources in the future, additional consumption over and above the services provided for the bwIDM element "bwCloud-Basic" can only be requested by persons who have access to a cost center or account. In the case of the Universität Stuttgart this is only the case for persons who are employed at the Universität Stuttgart - students do not have independent access to accounts or cost centers

  2. If a group project is to be applied for, this must be done by the supervising person. In the case of courses, this is usually the supervisor(s), the chair holder(s) or other members of the university with appropriate access to accounts.
  3. If more quota is applied for, a group project will be set up with the necessary resources. The owner of the group project is the person responsible or supervising the applicant.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. The supervisor(s) must register to use the bwCloud. Please follow the steps as described under Erste Schritte.
  2. Then the supervisor(s) contact us via Ticket and ask us to set up a group project
  3. The ticket must contain the information as described under #faq_quota_0.
  4. We then set up the group project with the supervisor(s) as the group owner

increase quota, more resources, resources, group, group project, Stuttgart, University of Stuttgart, bwIDM, entitlement, bwCloud-Basic, bwCloud-Extended, process

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