Created:  07.05.2024 gegen 15 Uhr | Author:  Armin Saur | Tags:  News, bwCloud, Website, General, 2024, OpenStack, Freiburg, Problem| Quicklink

Problems occur currently in the bwCloud Freiburg region. The faults affect data storage objects and the accessibility of the instances.

Volume - 08.05.2024, 10:00 Uhr

Resolved Users of the bwCloud are not able to change the status of data storage. The security of the data is not affected. Data storage objects cannot be attached or detached correctly due to the error.

Solution: User with volumes, remaining in one of these states, should contact the support.

Network - 08.05.2024, 10:00 Uhr

Resolved Instances that are newly created are not accessible via the network. Restarted instances do not always receive an IP address at the moment.

Solution: Users can resolve the problem by rebooting their instances.

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